Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why is this so funny?

Only Ali and Jess would appreciate this...


Nancy said...

Add me to the list of appreciators Steve- I couldn't stop laughing!

kris brown said...
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kris brown said...

ohmadang. i really shouldn't have watched this when i needed to go to the bathroom. :) g'work steve

kris brown said...

ok. i admit it. i've now watched this stupid thing more times than i care to count. how can i STILL be finding this so funny?

Adam Kynaston said...

So freaking funny Steve- although I don't approve of a white boy listening to black ghetto music.

Adam Kynaston said...

I meant to add a smiley face afterwards :)

Leda said...

thats so frikin awsome lol its classic!!!!

kris brown said...

did kaylee write that comment by chance? because otherwise- i'm seriously going to have to make fun of you aunt leda ;)

Leda said...

You know her so well Kris! YES that was not me, it was Kailee...but I'm sure you can make fun of me in other ways Kris. :)